Tuesday, December 5, 2006

Pehnom Penh Street Fight

The morning of day two begins with a Sun Rise Run on the Mekong River Front. There were small clusters of people doing "Asian Aerobics" to seemingly cheesy Cambodian Dance Music. Geanie - you would be impressed :0). The running feels good - as we continue on, an ENORMOUS elephant walks down the center of the main street. We keep running and I find it odd that something like this seems somewhat normal.

We finish up our run and stop for fresh coconut. The elderly woman takes a machete and proceeds to chop the top off the coconut, put a straw in it, and we begin to sip what Ryan and I are convinced to be the Bottomless Coconut. So much juice it is just silly. We stand there sipping and out of now where, we observe our next scene:

Three Cambodian kids, about 16 years old, all on one moped, come to a screeching halt right next to us. One on the back is shouting in Khmer and pointing toward us. We look at him curiously as he approaches with a glare in his eye. Almost immediately we realize he is approaching another younger boy near us. The shouting increases with pace and volume and the boy charges. One punch, another punch... the boy is thrown back as he is rocked in the face; yet he does not retaliate... Another running punch... Ryan, Josh and I stand, staring with intrigue as the beating continues just a few feet away... More screaming and pointing and the aggressor hops back on his moped and is gone. It is 7 AM and the beginning of our first full day in Phenom Penh...

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